Support in mental illnesses
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) Depression By 2030, the second most common cause of diseases worldwide. In view of these alarming statistics, it is important to recognize that mental illnesses such as depression, Anxiety And PTBs, serious medical conditions that require professional treatment. Psychotherapy is a scientifically sound method that aims at the treatment of mental disorders. Psychotherapy can help reduce the symptoms of the diseases and improve the quality of life.
Help with coping with stress
Stress is an everyday problem in today's society and can have serious effects on our physical and mental health. Long-term stress can lead to depression, anxiety and physical illnesses such as cardiovascular diseases. Life coaching is a way to stress to reduce and learn better stress management strategies. A life coach can help to win new perspectives and to identify targeted steps to improve stress management.
Help with dealing with the flood of information
With the rise of the Internet and social media, we have access to more information than ever before. But with this flood of information, it can be difficult to distinguish facts from fiction and separate important information from irrelevant. Psychotherapy can help support us in thinking more critically and more clearly in order to better manage the flood of information. A therapist can also help us recognize and question our personal beliefs and prejudices.
Support with personal growth and change
Psychotherapy and life coaching are not only intended for people who have an acute mental illness. You can also help promote personal growth and change. A therapeutic or coaching relationship can help us to improve our self-awareness and self-confidence, to strengthen our relationships with others and to support us, achieve our goals and dreams. A coach or therapist can help us to reflect on our thoughts and emotions and get us on a way that brings us more fulfillment and happiness in life.
Overall, psychotherapy and life coaching are more important than ever. At a time when mental illnesses and stress are omnipresent, professional help can help improve our health and well -being. It is also worth noting that Life coaching in relation to patient relationships and results comparable to therapy is. Still there is one Difference Between the various approaches such as mentoring, therapy or coaching.
Finally, supporting a life coach or therapist can help us to promote personal growth and change and to support us in leading a more fulfilling and happier life. A coach can make an effort if the coachee is not motivated enough or is not ready to get involved and give everything to achieve his goals, the success of the process is affected. Together with the coach, the coachee has to work towards defined goals and be aware of what he wants to achieve. Both the coach and coachee have to show real commitment and effort in order to achieve the jointly defined goal. After dozens of customers, I can say that there is a clear correlation between the commitment of customers and the success they will achieve. I put my whole heart into the process and sometimes have sleepless nights when I think of my customers and how I can help you. Therefore, I have to choose the people with whom I work very carefully. Sometimes you are not prepared for it or you need time or therapy before you can effectively work with a coach. Or you can just look for someone you can talk to what is absolutely fine. But a coaching process is something else. It can be exhausting because it is about leaving your own comfort zone! By definition, it is: "The targeted improvement of the performance, which is achieved by a planned preparation program". It is an astonishing way to create positive changes in life! ❤️
- World Health Organization. (2017). Depression and other Common Mental Disorders: Global Health Estimates.
- American Psychological Association. (2021). Stress effects on the body - https://www.apa.org/topics/stress/body
- International Coach Federation. (2021). What is coaching? - https://coachingfederation.org/about
- https://www.apa.org/topics/psychotherapy/index
- https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/psychotherapies