Mara Schär Life Coaching: Mindset & Wellbeing

Do you want to feel comfortable again, manage stress, think clearly, define and successfully implement goals, make relationships healthy or optimize your teamwork? Or do you experience a big change and want someone to accompany you?

Career change, money mindset, stress, emigration, divorce, parent-burnout or other important changes and complex life situations are my topics.

I support my customers with my knowledge as a communication specialist and wellness expert, with my psychological knowledge and my empathy, as well as with my professional and life experience. From the intuition and with a smart strategy! I combine my intuition with the latest knowledge of neuroscience and research results of positive psychology.


Anna Woloszyk, PhD, Biomedical Research Scientist: "A few months ago I made some major changes in my life - I quit my academic job in the USA to return to Europe and start a new job in the industry. I had to fight with a difficult job search and was very happy when I learned about Mara's 1: 1 coaching program. Through her professional coaching, I recovered my self-confidence and improved my daily efforts. Mara helped me to prepare for upcoming interviews and to shift my focus from negative to positive aspects. After 6 weeks of coaching, I found my dream job and look forward to this new chapter in my life. I am grateful for Mara's support during the past few months, not only during the sessions, but also for the fact that she was available for questions even between the meetings. "
Iuliana Toma, Front End Developer: "First of all, I would like to mention the good mood that I had before every coaching session with Mara. The joy and enthusiasm that Mara probably noticed I entered every session, were huge. I had from the beginning the impression that I was in the right environment to open myself and to be helped. Mara helped me discover some insights into my personal life that I had not discovered in a year of psychotherapy. Mara managed to discover these aspects in a very short time and to express them so clearly and effectively that I could easily integrate them. Some changes are already very obvious in my thinking, others, I am convinced of that, will follow because we have planted many seeds together :). I thank her for the positive influence in my life. "
Elaine Borges de Souza, Front End Engineer: "Before I met Mara Schär, I was overwhelmed and stressed. Mara helped me and my team and the people only had good feedback:" The best professionals, great method, great organization ". I see that she strives to help people by creating a tailor -made plan for everyone. I am grateful to work with such professionals. "
Alina Nechifor, Keele University: "I am very grateful that I met Mara. She is a wonderful person who helped me to organize my thoughts and set my priorities differently. The most important thing: she showed me how I can accept myself with my less good sides (mistakes). At first I thought that only almost perfect or very clever people book mentoring/coaching sessions. But together with Mara I learned that it does not matter which development level I am at . She helped me to improve, make progress, to do tasks quickly and not to postpone again and again, to become the best version of myself. I feel happy that I had the opportunity to get to know her and to benefit from her intelligence and knowledge. I simply admire her. I am so grateful! "
Anamaria Iosif, Customer Service Manager: "I am so grateful because I have Mara as a mentor. In the past few months I have become safer in my role and have learned more about myself as a woman, as a mother, but also as an individual. Every session Mara was there to support and advise me with a smile and a positive attitude. I can say that I have achieved a lot of my goals (which I also sat down with her) and I have the feeling , to know my strengths a little better. When I started, I was (I only now know) alone, although I had 3 children (the oldest from a previous marriage, with problems related to divorce, and the youngest with Non -verbal TSA). I also had my husband, but I had a lot of doubt, uncertainty. I always wore a "positive mask" even though I had no work and my husband's parents controlled our lives. I only had one goal: one more day, and afterwards we will see. Today: Most problems with my daugther are solved and my son started to speak and write. My husband, who accompanied me during this whole process, supports me more. I also have a job that I love. I feel more motivated every day, I feel happy and above all I have control over my life again. It's great to see how many positive things happen in your own life when you have the right mentor. I really learned more than I expected. Mara managed to push me out of my self -doubt and helped me build self -confidence. She is a friendly, patient, sensitive mentor who inspires me every day. Through simple tasks I have resolved the basic cause of my gaps and I can clearly say that I am now another person. We connected both personally and professionally. "


Alexandra Madalina Popescu, Sales Analyst: "Mara came into my life when I went through one of the worst professional phases. I decided to give the program a chance and to have a conversation. The energy that Mara exuded was felt through the phone screen so that after the first few minutes I knew that I had made the right decision. We worked together for a few months, and now that I have reached the end of the program, I can say sincerely that, with the right mentors, you can achieve everything! Mara was the support that I needed in these months, and with their help I was able to better understand my own feelings and make better decisions during the application process for a new job. She helped me with my professional change and I'm happy to say that all the goals we set at the beginning of the program were achieved. Trust the process and your mentor! Mara's experience, her friendliness and her commitment brought me to this point where I am satisfied with my new job and myself. Thank you for your friendly words when I was at the lowest point and for your constant support, Mara! "
Gianna Dimitris, laboratory technician: "I have to be honest and admit that I was stuck and confused before I met you. During our sessions I felt understood and supported by you! I received inspiration and help in several areas of my life. Thanks to you, my mind and path are clearer now. I am grateful to you, Mara, for showing me the way to a greater me. Many thanks and many hugs!"
Cristina Cucos Gheorghiu, Accounting Expert & Founder: "I would like to thank Mara for her coaching! I went through a time of uncertainty, I didn't know what I wanted from my life. She opened up valuable new perspectives on my current situation. I would like to emphasize that Mara did not make any decisions for me, but helped me to develop new ways. She showed me how I can deal with new situations and how I use my own knowledge and self -confidence. I can warmly recommend Mara to everyone who wants to upgrade/improve his/her personal or professional life. "
Michele Albrecht Fritschi, School Management Assistant: "Our feedback is extremely positive. The program has left an exceptionally good impression with us and is already used regularly in one way or another."
Jana Daniela Poretti, Engineer: "I came to Mara, with the hope of getting new impulses for my personal and professional development and rethinking my self -image. Due to her diverse qualifications and experience, she offered me a much more holistic view and support I expected. With interesting, innovative methods and exercise tips, she helped me to tackle things in a structured manner and to steer think in a different, more positive direction. A lot has changed in my life just a few weeks after the start of our work and I look forward to continue my development. "

Coaching packages

Do you finally want to live your dream life? Do you want to reach "next level" professionally and privately? Would you like to exploit your full potential?

Life Coaching: Change & Wellbeing

In the past ten years, technological progress has revolutionized our lives extremely quickly. The volume, speed and the complexity of what we call "the fourth industrial revolution" today are impressive. We experience a tsunami of change that will fundamentally change our life, our way of working and our cooperation. Such situations create new challenges and can confuse our mental balance.

Wellbeing (well -being) is part of a modern and conscious lifestyle. And it is becoming increasingly difficult to achieve it. Feel good, find and keep inner balance, live balanced, remain healthy and successful even under pressure - more and more people want this in performance society.

As a certified corporate wellness specialist and a passionate student of psychology, who offers advice and works with a large network of therapists, coaches and consultants, I have optimally developed my coaching programs for individuals and organizations.

I accompany you or your team to go the way of changing, encourage you to a strategy and to achieve your goal.


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