Duale Verarbeitung: Der zweigleisige Verstand

Our brain is one of the most remarkable organs in our body, it has the ability to process information in different ways. One of the most important theories in cognitive psychology is the dual process theory, which says that the brain has two different systems for processing information. These systems are referred to as System 1 and System 2 and work in different ways to help us make decisions and navigation through our surroundings.

System 1: The fast and intuitive system

The first system 1, is an automatic and intuitive system that works quickly and easily. It is responsible for quick assessments and automatic reactions. For example, if you see a snake, System 1 automatically triggers fear and prepares you for fight or escape. This system is also responsible for simple tasks such as recognizing faces, reading emotions and understanding fundamental language.

System 2: The slow and careful system

The second system, System 2, is a slow and careful system that requires conscious effort and attention. It is responsible for tasks that require concentrated attention, such as problem solving, planning and critical thinking. This system is also responsible for more complex tasks such as mathematical calculations, logical thinking and learning new skills.

The importance of dual processing

Understanding the dual process theory can be helpful in different contexts, such as the decision-making, problem solving and conviction. By being aware of how our spirit works, we can make informed and conscious decisions and avoid relying too much on a system.

Another important area in which understanding the dual process theory can be helpful is the persuasion work. A study by Petty and Cacioppo shows that there are two ways to convince people: the central path and the peripheral path. The central path uses System 2 and aims to achieve a profound and permanent change in behavior through persuasion. The peripheral path, on the other hand, uses System 1 and aims to achieve a short -term change in behavior through suggestive or emotional elements such as beauty or prominence.


Dual-process theory is an important concept in cognitive psychology and helps us to understand how our brain works to make decisions and process information. System 1 is fast and automatic, but susceptible to errors and prejudices, while System 2 is slow and conscious, but more precisely and less susceptible to errors. By being aware of how our brain works, we can make better decisions and avoid being influenced by false or misleading information.

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Written by Mara Schär

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