When parents ask for help and make their own children feel guilty: How to deal with such difficult situations

Mara Schär

The relationship between parents and children is one of the deepest and most complex bonds we have in our lives. Parents do their best to raise, support and love their children. Parents invest time, energy and money to support their children. They look after them, educate them, pay school fees, buy clothes and provide a home. Many parents sacrifice their own needs to ensure their children have everything they need to grow up. This commitment and love is admirable and deserves respect and gratitude. But what happens when this loving act of parenting results in a demand for material goods? In this blog article we will address...

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Consequences of insecure attachment in adulthood

Mara Schär
Wir alle tragen die Spuren unserer Vergangenheit mit uns herum – insbesondere wenn es um Beziehungen geht. Vielleicht haben Sie schon einmal bemerkt, dass Ihre Beziehungen in der Vergangenheit oft nicht von langer Dauer waren. Vielleicht haben Sie das Gefühl, dass Sie keine feste Bindung aufrechterhalten können, egal wie sehr Sie es versuchen. Oder vielleicht haben Sie eine wiederkehrende Unsicherheit erlebt, die wie ein Schatten über Ihren zwischenmenschlichen Verbindungen hängt.
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Toxic Family Relationships: Recognizing, Coping, and Healing

Mara Schär 4 Comments
Family is the place where we find security, support and love. Unfortunately, not every family relationship is as healthy and beneficial as it should be. Toxic family relationships can have a profound impact on our emotional well-being and quality of life. In this article, we'll take a closer look at what toxic family relationships are, how to recognize them, how to deal with them, and ultimately how to heal.
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Success through the courage to change: Why leaving the comfort zone is important

Mara Schär
In our quest for success and personal growth, there is one crucial hurdle we must overcome: the comfort zone. The comfort zone is the area where we feel safe and secure, where we protect ourselves from challenges and discomfort. But to achieve true success, we need to move out of this comfort zone and face new situations. In this article, we will focus on the importance of stepping out of the comfort zone and why this is so important.
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Suicide: A global problem that is still tabooed

Mara Schär
Suicide is a topic that makes many people uncomfortable. It is usually avoided because it is difficult for most people to comprehend. But we must not ignore it. Suicide is a serious problem that occurs in almost every country in the world.
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The rate of depression in men and women in comparison

Mara Schär
Depression is a serious mental illness that is 1.5-3 times more common in women than in men. In this article I explore the reasons for this difference.
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