Fühlen Sie sich diesen Frühling müde und träge? Es könnte Frühlingsasthenie sein

For many people, spring means more light, milder weather and a new hope for better times. But for some, spring can also have an unpleasant surprise: spring tiredness or Spring Asthenia. But what is behind this phenomenon? Is it just a myth or actually real?

What is Spring Asthenia?

Spring asthies is a temporary fatigue that is expressed in different symptoms. Although it is not a medical diagnosis, it can still be very uncomfortable for those affected. The most common symptoms are fatigue, lack of drive, sleep disorders, difficulties of concentration, irritability and a general change in the mood.

Causes of Spring Asthenia

The exact causes of spring asthies have not yet been fully clarified, but there are some factors that can play a role. One of the main factors is the influence of light on our body. The change in the light cycle also begins with spring, which can affect hormone production in the body. In particular, the production of melatonin, which is responsible for the sleep-wake rhythm, can be affected.

Another factor is the changeover to the warmer temperatures. The body needs more energy to adapt to the new environment. This can lead to a temporary lack of energy.

Is Spring Asthenia Real or just a myth?

It is important to emphasize that spring fatigue is not a serious illness and usually subsides on its own. For a long time it was assumed that these symptoms are due to a lack of vitamins and minerals, which we built in winter due to inadequate nutrition. However, doctors now believe that the cause lies in an imbalance between two important hormones in the brain: the sleep hormone melatonin and the happiness hormone serotonin.

Serotonin is produced under the influence of light and is responsible for activation and a good atmosphere. Melatonin, on the other hand, ensures a relaxing sleep at night. In the spring, the ratio of these two hormones falter, which can lead to complaints such as fatigue, headache and circulatory problems. The body needs about two to four weeks to make a new balance and to alleviate the symptoms.

Does the season bring depression?

A study from 2020, published in The Journal of Affective Disorders, showed that there are some support for seasonal variations in clinical depression. However, this is not due to a broad and general mechanism in which entire populations have lower moods and sub-threshold symptoms in certain seasons. Rather, greater quality of study and impartial population -based studies are required to research the potential relationship between seasonal changes and depression.

How can you fight spring fatigue?

There are various measures that can help relieve the symptoms of Spring Asthenia. A healthy diet with lots of fruit and vegetables, sufficient sleep and movement can help keep your body fit. Relaxation exercises such as yoga or meditation can also lower the stress level and thus reduce tiredness.

Whether spring asthies are a myth or not, the symptoms are real and can affect well -being. A healthy lifestyle, sufficient sleep and movement can help relieve the symptoms. However, if the symptoms last for a long time or worsen, a doctor should be consulted to exclude possible other causes.


Written by Mara Schär

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