Die Depression und die Serotonin-Hypothese

Depression is a serious mental illness that is accompanied by feelings of sadness, hopelessness and loss of interest in normal activities. It can also lead to physical symptoms such as sleep disorders, loss of appetite and fatigue.

One of the most frequently examined theories about the causes of depression is the serotonin hypothesis. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that occurs in the brain and is involved in the regulation of mood, fear and sleep. Low serotonin levels are often associated with depression.

In order to treat the symptoms of depression, antidepressants are often used that increase serotonin intake in the brain. These drugs can relieve the symptoms of depression by increasing the serotonin levels in the brain.

A widespread myth?

However, it is important to note that depression is a complex disease that can be attributed to several factors. Serotonin is only part of the puzzle and there are other factors such as genetic, environmentally and psychosocial factors that can play a role. A Article In nature molecular psychiatry brings new evidence. "In a systematic review of serotonin levels in people with depression, there was no indication that depressive people had a lower serotonin level or abnormal serotonin activity compared to non -depressed people."

The authors of the study, Joanna Moncrieff and Mark Horowitz, emphasize that the idea that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance is still widespread and that academic psychiatry has not made enough efforts to correct this misunderstanding in public. They also emphasize that their study focuses on the lack of evidence of low serotonin values ​​or low serotonin activities in depression and does not deal with the effectiveness of antidepressants in clinical studies.

However, this debate has also led to the effectiveness of antidepressants. It is important to emphasize that antidepressants are not suitable for everyone and that there are many other hypotheses about how they can help relieve the symptoms of depression, such as the idea that they improve neuroplasticity or with serotone activity in Interact brain circles that are involved in the search for rewards and mood. There are also many reviews that indicate that antidepressants in the treatment of depression are helpful for some people.

However, it is also important to provide us with current and precise information in order to make sound decisions about our health and well -being. This study shows that there is a gap between what the public knows about the causes of depression and what science actually knows. It is also essential to point out that the treatment of depression should not be limited to the use of medication.

While antidepressants can be helpful for some people, there are many other approaches that can also be successful, such as the use of Behavioral therapy, psychotherapy, life coaching, Conversation therapy, movement, nutrition and sleep optimization and stress management techniques. It is important to work with a qualified health expert to find the best treatment method for everyone. 

Coaching is a form of support in which a coach helps the client to achieve his goals and master challenges. In the case of depression, a coach can help the client to understand and master the symptoms, as well as to recognize and use the strengths of the client.

An important part of coaching in depression is the identification of thoughts and behavior patterns that increase depression. The coach can help the client to question negative thoughts and to replace them with positive thoughts. Learning relaxation techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation or yoga can also help relieve the symptoms.

Another important aspect of coaching in depression is the support in activating and resuming activities and hobbies that enjoyed the disease. This can help increase the motivation and self -esteem of the client.

It is important to emphasize that coaching is not a substitute for medical treatment. People with depression should always go to a doctor or psychotherapist. However, coaching can be a valuable addition to medical treatment and help to improve symptoms and increase the quality of life.

The latest research also speaks for coaching. The team behind Modern Health found promising promising. According to a study published in the “Journal of Technology of Behavioral Science”, 58% people who started to feel coaching with depression symptoms after at least one session. Their general well -being rose by 76%. 

That is based on everything previous studiesthat have proven that several sessions too lead a better result. In this study it was also found that the therapeutic alliance between clients and their coaches was just as strong in the context of a virtual individual care as between clients and their therapists. More about it in our Blog article.

In summary, one can say that coaching can be valuable support in the treatment of depression. It helps to understand and master the symptoms, as well as to recognize and use the strengths of the client.

Finally, depression is a complex disease that can be influenced by several factors. The serotonin hypothesis is one of many theories about the causes of depression and antidepressants that increase serotonin levels are one of many treatment options.


The Serotonin Theory of Depression: A Systematic Umbrella Review of the Evidence | Molecular Psychiatry (Nature.com)

The New Study on Serotonin and Depression Isn’t About Antidepressants (Vice.com)





Sagui-Henson, S. J., Welcome Chamberlain, C.E., Smith, B. J., Li, E. J., Castro Sweet, C., & Altman, M. (in press). Understanding Components of Therapeutic Alliance and Well-Byria from use of a global digital mental health benefit During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Longitudinal Observational Study. Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science.


Written by Mara Schär

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