Why do we need psychotherapy and life coaching in today's world?

Mara Schär
In today's world, we face many challenges that can affect our emotional well-being. The rise of mental illness and stress, the impact of digital technology on our lives, and the overall speed and complexity of modern life can overwhelm us. In this context, many people wonder why they need professional help such as psychotherapy or life coaching. Here are some reasons why this support is more important than ever in today's world.
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Feeling Tired and Lethargic This Spring? It Could Be Spring Asthenia

Mara Schär
For many people, spring means more light, milder weather and a renewed hope for better times ahead. But for some, spring can also hold an unpleasant surprise: Spring fatigue, or spring asthenia. But what is behind this phenomenon? Is it just a myth or actually real?
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The link between excessive gaming and increased aggression

Mara Schär
In recent years, there has been a steady increase in video games, which has led many experts to wonder whether excessive gaming has harmful effects on humans. A particularly thorny issue here is whether excessive video game play can lead to an increase in aggression.
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What is meant by "digital detox"? Digitization and its impact on mental health

Mara Schär 1 comment
In today's society, we are increasingly surrounded by digital devices. We can hardly put our smartphone down and our work increasingly takes place online. We are constantly reachable, connected and busy. The idea of Digital Detox is therefore an important approach to bring our lives back into balance.
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Bilingual Education: How Language Development Works for Children with Two Languages

Mara Schär
Globalization has led to many families being multilingual today. Parents often want to educate their children in their native language, but also add another language to give them better opportunities in the future. In this context, bilingual education is becoming increasingly important. But how does language development shape children with two languages? This article provides an overview of current facts about bilingual education.
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Autism: Can Motheresis (Ammen language) play a role in early detection?

Mara Schär
Autism is a complex neurological disorder that is often not diagnosed until 2-3 years of age. However, early detection is critical because early interventions can alleviate symptoms and improve long-term outcomes. A new study has shown that a child's response to "motherese," also known as baby talk, could be an important indicator of autism.
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