Femicide is a term that refers to the killing of women due to their gender. Victims of women's murders are often killed by their partners or ex-partners in the context of abusive or violent behavior. It is a form of violence that is widespread worldwide and a big problem. In recent years, awareness of the importance of women's murder has grown, but the elimination of the deep roots of this form of violence remains a challenge.
What does femicide mean?
Femicide is a term that was shaped by the author Diana E. Russell in the 1970s to describe the killing of women based on their gender. Femicide differs from other forms of violence against women, such as domestic violence or sexual violence, because it focuses on killing women. Femicide is a crime that is mostly committed by men and is usually an expression of abuse of power and control. It can occur in connection with domestic violence or rape, but also under other circumstances, such as honor murders or armed conflicts. Femicide can be seen as an extreme form of violence against women and girls who are usually more susceptible due to gender inequality and discrimination.
Reasons and risk factors for female
There are many reasons why female takes place, including cultural standards and stereotypes, poverty, unemployment and social isolation. Another important factor is the history of violence and abuse in the family or relationship of the perpetrator. Women who are in an abusive relationship or separate from a partner are exposed to a higher risk of becoming a victim of female.
Types of femicine
There are different types of femizid, including relationship female, honor murder, female female in war or conflict areas and female crime or human trafficking. Relationship female is the most common form of femica and occurs when a partner kills his wife, partner or ex-partner.
Comparison of femicide and Androzida
Androzid is a term that relates to the killing of men due to their gender. However, Androzid is much less common compared to femizid. Femicide is an expression of abuse of power and control, while Androzid is often the result of criminal activities.
Femicide in numbers
In Spain, an estimated 45 female female was celebrated, and 60 cases were reported in Italy in 2019.
In Switzerland, a total of 23 women were killed by their partners or ex-partners in 2021. This number has dropped slightly compared to the previous year. Nevertheless, this means that every other week a woman is killed in domestic violence. In Switzerland, every third person has already experienced violence in a relationship.
In Germany, the situation is even more dramatic. There were a total of 113 female female cases by partners or ex-partners in 2021. In addition, a woman is physically injured by her partner more than once an hour. These figures show that femizid is still a serious problem in both countries. It is crucial that more attention is paid to this topic and that corresponding measures are taken to better protect women.
However, the message and recording of women's murders can vary from country to country, and the data can be incomplete or imprecise. It is also important to emphasize that women's murders are not a problem limited to Europe, but a global problem with devastating consequences.
Overall, Femicide remains a global problem that urgently needs to be addressed. It requires broad social sensitization, prevention measures and a stronger commitment to governments and law enforcement authorities. Women should be able to live without fear of violence or murder, and it is the responsibility of everyone to ensure that this is possible.
- https://www.srf.ch/news/schweiz/toetungsdelikte-an-frauen-trennungen-sind-der-groesste-risikofaktor-fuer-homizid-suizide
- https://www.srf.ch/news/schweiz/studie-zu-haeuslicher-gewalt-femizide-sind-nur-die-spitze-des-eisbergs
- https://www.srf.ch/news/schweiz/fragen-aus-der-community-gibt-es-seit-der-corona-pandemie-mehr-femizide
- https://www.frauen-gegen-gewalt.de/de/infothek/toetung-von-frauen-femizid/merkmale-und-tatsachen.html
- https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Femizid
Androzide sind nicht deutlich seltener, sondern mit riesigem Abstand die häufigste Mordart. Die meisten Genozide beschränken sich auf männliche Opfer und alle Kriege sind systematische Männertötungseinrichtungen. Laut UN treffen 33 von 34 Tötungen einen männlichen Menschen. Wie soll das möglich sein, wenn das Geschlecht nicht ursächlich oder systematisch bestimmt ist?