The newest treatments for depression

Mara Schär
Treatment options for depression have made significant progress in recent years. Some of the newest and most effective methods are listed below.
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What is depression? Major depression and minor depression

Mara Schär
Depression is a common mental disorder that affects about 5% of adults worldwide. The disorder is manifested by persistent sadness and lack of interest in activities that used to bring pleasure. Depression is thought to be caused by a complex interaction of social, psychological, and biological factors and can cause problems at school and at work.
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Psychological challenges of obesity and weight control: tips and tricks

Mara Schär
Obesity is a worldwide problem that affects more and more people. It is not only an aesthetic issue, but also a health risk. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 2 billion people worldwide are overweight, and about 650 million of them are obese. Obesity can lead to many health problems, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer and more. Weight control, therefore, can be critical to reducing the risk of these diseases and improving health.
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Loneliness - the disease of the future?

Mara Schär
Humans are an incredibly social species. This is one of the reasons why we have such strong brains and advanced intelligence; to better keep track of and maintain numerous relationships. Our social interactions affect how we think, act and see ourselves as much of our brain is dedicated to social cognition. Completely depriving someone of all human contact is a recognised form of torture. The need for belonging is embedded in our DNA and drives us to form and maintain social bonds. But what happens when people live alone or are single? How does this affect their need to belong?
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Domestic violence against children: impact, prevention and support

Mara Schär
Domestic violence against children is a serious problem that affects millions of children worldwide. The impact of violence on children can be profound and have long-term negative effects on their physical, mental and social development. This article explores the impact of violence on children, the prevention of violence in families and the resources available to support children who have experienced violence.
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Age Shaming: When Age Becomes Discrimination

Mara Schär
Age shaming is a type of discrimination that is often overlooked. It refers to negative stereotyping or devaluing of people because of their age. It can be comments, jokes, pictures or remarks that refer to age. Although it may often seem harmless, it can have a serious impact on those affected.
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