Der Zusammenhang zwischen exzessivem Gaming und erhöhter Aggressivität

In recent years there has been a steady increase in video games, which has caused many experts to think about whether excessive gaming has harmful effects on humans. A particularly sensitive question is whether excessive playing video games can lead to an increase in aggressiveness.

What do studies on this topic say?

There is a persistent debate about whether excessive video game can lead to increased aggressiveness. A study by Anderson and Warburton from 2012 suggests that there is actually a connection. The study examined subjects who played video games at least three hours a day and found that this group had significantly higher values ​​in aggressiveness tests than those who played less than an hour a day. The authors argue that excessive playing of violent games can promote aggressiveness.

However, there are other studies that come to different results. An examination by Markay and Ferguson from 2018, for example, came to the conclusion that there is no significant connection between excessive gaming and increased aggressiveness. The authors argue that other factors such as personality and environment could play a greater role.

Another study by Greitemeyer and Mügge from 2014 comes to a similar result as Anderson and Warburton. The study examined the connection between aggressive behavior and playing first-person shooter video games. The results showed that playing ego shooter video games can lead to a short-term increase in aggressive behavior.

However, there are also studies that show that video games not only have negative effects. An investigation by Granic et al. From 2014 it came to the conclusion that video games could have positive effects on the cognitive, emotional and social development of children. The authors emphasize that the type of game and the duration of the game are important.

Overall, the debate about the connection between excessive video game and aggressiveness remains controversial. While some studies suggest a connection, others come to different results or even find positive effects. It is important that further research is carried out in order to better understand the connection between video games and aggressiveness and to minimize possible risks.

The role of the media

Another important factor that has to be taken into account in the discussion about the connection between excessive gaming and aggressiveness is the role of the media. The way in which video games are shown in the media has a major impact on the public perception of video games in general.

Most reports in the media focus on the negative aspects of video games, especially on those who represent violence. This often creates the impression that all video game players are potential violent offenders. However, this type of reporting contributes to the risk of stigmatization of video players and that the connection between video games and aggressiveness is overestimated.

What can we learn from it?

Regardless of whether there is a connection between excessive gaming and aggressiveness or not, it is important that we make ourselves aware of how we represent video games in the media and how we talk about them. In addition, it can be helpful to monitor the time that we spend with playing video games and ensure that it does not become too excessive. Because even if science does not yet agree whether there is a connection, it is always advisable to have a balanced relationship between all aspects.


Written by Mara Schär

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