Your life coach in Switzerland (regions: Zurich, Basel, Lucerne, Bern etc) 

A life coach is an advisor who supports people in achieving their goals and dreams and leading a more fulfilling life. There are many experienced life coaches in Switzerland who help their clients to reach their potential and to overcome challenges in life.

As a qualified life coach, I will accompany you on your journey to self-discovery, personal development and goal achievement.

Life Coach Zurich: support for a fulfilling life

As a life coach in Zurich, I am here to support you, whether you are facing big decisions, are looking for a change of direction or simply want to develop your full potential. My service is for people who strive for positive change, be it in the professional area, in interpersonal relationships or in personal development. 

Book a free 1:1 conversation  here  !

How does life coaching work?

A life coach works with clients in one-on-one or group sessions to achieve their goals. The coach listens, asks questions and provides feedback to help clients identify strengths, weaknesses and obstacles.

The coach then helps the client to plan and implement concrete steps to achieve their goals.

Why do you need a Life Coach?

Life coaches can help with many life challenges, such as:

  • Career Development: If you are looking to make a career change or set new goals, a life coach can help you find the right path.
  • Relationships: If you are struggling in your relationships, a life coach can help you resolve them and improve your relationships.
  • Self-Confidence: If you want to boost your self-confidence and overcome your fears, a life coach can help you with that.

In today's fast-paced and challenging world, more and more people are looking for support to reach their full potential and achieve their life goals. Life coaches play an increasingly important role in supporting and accompanying people on their way to personal growth, success and inner fulfillment. As a certified corporate wellness specialist and life coach, I will try to explain the importance of coaching in this article.

Life Coaching in Switzerland

In a society characterized by stress, pressure to perform and constant change, many people are looking for a connection to their true selves and ways to improve their quality of life. This is where a life coach can be an invaluable resource. Life coaches are experts at encouraging, inspiring and helping their clients to discover their individual strengths and to live more consciously. They serve as trusted companions who support their clients in overcoming obstacles and identifying clear goals.

A good life coach is characterized by various characteristics:

  1. Empathy and Sensitivity: A qualified life coach can empathize with their clients' feelings and experiences and understand them without prejudice. In this way he creates a trusting and supportive atmosphere for the clients.

  2. Communication Skills: The ability to communicate effectively is vital as a life coach helps clients articulate their goals and clarify their thoughts.

  3. Coaching Competence: A good life coach has in-depth training and certifications to provide professional coaching. He uses proven methods and techniques to motivate clients.

  4. Solution orientation: Instead of emphasizing problems, a good life coach focuses on solutions. Good coaches encourage their clients to create their own responses and strategies to overcome challenges.

I support my clients with my knowledge as a communication specialist and wellness expert, with my psychological knowledge and my empathy, as well as with my professional and life experience. Out of intuition and with a smart strategy! 
combine my intuition with the latest findings in neuroscience and research results from positive psychology.

As a certified corporate wellness specialist, I combine my passion for personal development and my empathy to support people on their way. I have extensive training and experience in the coaching field, which enables me to use effective coaching methods.

My strengths as a life coach:

  1. Empathy and understanding: I believe that every person is unique and has their own challenges. My empathy allows me to put myself in my clients' shoes and create a trusting environment in which they can express themselves freely.

  2. Goal-Oriented Coaching: I help my clients to set clear and realistic goals and develop concrete steps to achieve them. I am convinced that a structured approach facilitates the path to success.

  3. Fostering self-reflection: I encourage my clients to get to know themselves better and to identify their values, interests and abilities. This promotes a deeper understanding of their goals and enables them to make authentic decisions.

  4. Supporting Change: Change can be scary, but I stand by my clients as they tackle new challenges and expand their comfort zones. I believe that change enables growth and positive change.

How do you find a good life coach in Switzerland?

Here are a few tips on how to find a good life coach :

  • Do your research: Read reviews and testimonials from other clients and find out about their experiences and qualifications.
  • Talk to the coach: Contact the life coach and talk to him/her about your goals and needs. It is important that you get on well with the coach and that he understands what you need.
  • Try it: 

    Book a free 1:1 conversation  here  !

Mara Schar

Life Coach: Mindset & Wellbeing Coach (Switzerland)

Founder Joy Corporate GmbH
Certified Corporate Wellness Specialist®

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Life Coach Switzerland 


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