Stress Bewältigung Methoden
There are different definitions for "stress". One of them would be: the process through which we perceive situations and react to them as threatening or challenging.

My favorite word for stress is: "imbalance". Stress is one longer -lasting imbalance between requirements, and the means/possibilities (resources).

Stressors can be: unpleasant, large -scale events, significant changes in life, personal events, life transitions or daily trouble. Everyday challenges that are perceived as a threat can lead to strong negative reactions. Extreme or long -lasting stress can lead to physical damage.
It has been scientifically proven that stress hormones suppress the immune system. There are various animal experiments and studies in humans. Adaptation stress in monkeys leads to weakened immune system. Stress influences the healing of surgical wounds and the development of colds in humans. Low stress can increase the effectiveness of vaccinations.

Happy and consistently satisfied people are usually healthy and live longer than their unfortunate peers. A happy spouse predicts better health: "Happy you, healthy me." Relationships in general make us happy. It is normal and healthy to look for privacy and loneliness. But most of us also strive to join in - to bind themselves in permanent, close relationships. People were examined in 39 countries. Those who spend time with friends or family are happier.

Nevertheless, there are many stress moments in our lives. How do we best deal with it? People deal with stress using various coping strategies. Mostly: problem -oriented coping or emotional coping.

Coping strategies for stress:  

  • Take control of your own life:

Those who have an external control belief, believe that chance or external forces determine their fate.

Those who have an internal control belief, believe that they have their fate in their own hands.

  • Self -control:

It is the ability to control impulses and to postpone short -term satisfaction in favor of larger long -term rewards.

The exercise of willpower temporarily exhaustes the energy that is required for self -control in other tasks. Self -control requires attention and energy, but it predicts good adaptation, better grades and social success.
  • Optimism:

Optimists can work well under stress and have good health.

  • Social support:

Social support helps in two ways to combat diseases. It calms the cardiovascular system, which lowers blood pressure and stress hormone levels. It also fights diseases by strengthening immune function.

Close relationships offer us the possibility of "therapy of the open heart". It is an opportunity to entrust painful feelings.

    • Sports activity: 

    Persistent activity increases the fitness of the heart and lungs and reduces stress, depression and fears. It can weaken the influence of the genetic risk of obesity and increases the quality and duration of life.

    Slightly depressive students who took part in an aerobics program showed significantly lower depression than those who did relaxation exercises or received no treatment

    • Relaxation:

    More than 60 studies have shown that relaxation procedures for headaches, high blood pressure, anxiety and insomnia can provide relief. Mindfulness meditation: A reflexive practice in which people have current experiences in a non -evaluating and accepting manner.

    • Factor belief § religious:

    Religiously active people tend to live longer than those that are not religiously active. The possible explanations include the effects of the intervening variables, such as:  the healthy behaviors, social support or the positive emotions that can often be found in humans who regularly attend religious services.

    • Sleep and sleep hygiene:

    When we are stressed, we often sleep less, and if we sleep less, we are stressed. It is exhausting to just think about it. If you have survived a stressful day, enough good sleep (especially sleep in the wave of fast eye movements) can be an important relaxation strategy. Chronic sleep deprivation can disrupt our stress response system and reduce our ability to deal with stressors.

    • Progressive Muscle Relaxation:

    With progressive muscle relaxation, different muscle groups (e.g. legs, stomach, back) are tense and relaxed. In addition to many advantages, the progressive muscle relaxation lowers the cortisol level in saliva, anxiety, heart rate and blood pressure.

    • Guided imagination interventions

    They demonstrably reduce stress and help with the treatment of depression. Guided imagination practices activate the senses and conjure up memories or pictures of calm places. These positive mental images induce a peaceful state of mind.

    • Humor

    Other researchers have found that students who are more humorous in their approach to working stress were better able to deal with it and reported more about greater job satisfaction.

    • Breathing exercises:

    Tief breathing techniques help to calm the physiological systems in the body, to lower heart rate and blood pressure, to increase the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system and reduce the cortisol level,

    • Reframing:

    Reframe your thinking: One of the best research -supported treatments for stress and fear is cognitive behavior therapy or CBT. At the root of this therapy is the understanding that our thoughts influence our emotions, which in turn influence our behavior.

    • Pets:

    You may already have known that pets are one of the most effective remedies for stress. And now the science says that too. Washington State University carried out a study in 2019 that confirms this. The organizers of the study gathered 249 students for an activity: stroking dogs and cats for 10 minutes. They tested the cortisol level, the hormone associated with stress. The result?: Cortisol (and thus stress) was significantly reduced in a short time.

    Sources:; Psychology - C. Nathan Dewall, David G. Myers, 2021; McCann & Holmes, 1984; Suchecki, Tiba & Macado, 2012; Suchecki et al., 2012; Varvogli & Darviri, 2011; Booth-butterfield, Booth-Butterfield, & Wanzer, 2007; Perciavalle et al., 2017;

    Written by Mara Schär

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