ADHD/ ADHD/ ADS/ ADD: What is the difference?
ADHD and ADHD are abbreviations for the same disorder: attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. The abbreviation "ADHD" is mainly used in North America and the English -speaking world, while "ADHD" is the more common abbreviation in Europe.
"Ads/ Add", on the other hand, stands for "attention deficit syndrome" and is sometimes used to describe a weakened form of ADHD in which the hyperactive symptoms are not so pronounced. However, ADS/ ADD is not an official term in medical diagnostics of attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorders and is regarded by many experts as an outdated or inaccurate term.
Especially in children with ADS, concentration problems and behavioral problems can occur at an early stage, which often continue until youth and adulthood. The typical ADS symptoms such as inattentiveness and impulsiveness significantly influence the everyday life of those affected and can bring about both school and professional challenges.
Understanding of these abbreviations and their precise importance helps to find suitable treatment paths and to better support the everyday life of those affected.
Overall, all of these terms refer to the same basic disorder, which is characterized by symptoms such as inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsiveness.
Overdiagnosis of ADHD - can you really diagnose ADHD?
There is a debate about whether ADHD (attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder) is diagnosed too often. Some argue that there is an overdiagnosis, especially in children, since many of the symptoms can also occur in other diseases or simply with normal behavior within the framework of development. However, others emphasize that ADHD is an actual neurological disorder that occurs in many people and can lead to problems at school, work and relationships.
It is also important to take into account that the diagnosis of ADHD is a complex process that requires a careful assessment of the symptoms, history and other factors. A precise diagnosis requires that the symptoms are significant enough to affect daily life.
Despite many years of research, there is no test, no biomarkers that could prove these disorders quickly and without doubt.
Symptoms of ADHD
The symptoms of ADHD can vary depending on the person, but they often include:
- Inattention: Difficulties to focus on a task or activity, follow instructions or observe details, forgetfulness, slight distraction.
- Hyperactivity: Objective physical movement, fidgeting, walking around, difficulties, sitting calmly, talking without a break.
- Impulsiveness: Acting before thinking about having difficulties, waiting, difficulties in controlling your own behavior, for example with interruptions, quick answers or quick acting.
What do supporters say?
- More diagnoses reflect an increased awareness
- ADHD is a real neurological disorder
- ADHD is associated with abnormal brain structure and activity
What do skeptics say?
- Energetic Child + Boring School = ADHD overdiagnosis
- Children are not made to sit inside for hours.
- The youngest children in one class tend to be more fidgety - and are more often diagnosed
- Older students may be looking for stimulating ADHD medication-"Good Grade Pills" (Schwarz, 2012). Parents sometimes too!
- What are the long -term effects of drug treatment?
- Why the increase in ADHD diagnoses and medication?
Neurotransmitter metabolism in the synaptic gap
A dopamine deficiency is responsible for special behaviors, perception and cognitive skills.
In the case of ADHD sufferers there are a higher number of dopamine transporters on the presynapse. This can be attributed to more dopamine from the synaptic gap. This state leads to the fact that not enough dopamine in the synaptic spaLT remains. This is called dopamine deficiency.
The causes of ADHD
The causes of ADHD are not yet fully understood, but there are various factors that can contribute to an ADHD diagnosis:
- Genetics: ADHD can be inherited. Studies have shown that genes can play a role in the development of ADHD. (Nikolas & Burt, 2010)
- Brain development: Studies have shown that certain parts of the brain are smaller or less active in people with ADHD than in humans without ADHD.
- Environmental factors: Difficulties during pregnancy or birth, such as premature birth, low birth weight, alcohol or drug use during pregnancy, can increase the risk of ADHD. Unstructured or stressful environments can also favor ADHD. Van der Bergh and Marcoen (2004) report several long -term consequences of motherly stress, which seem to be associated with a sensitive period during pregnancy. This includes an increased risk of developing ADHD symptoms in childhood and externalizing problems such as outbreaks of anger and anxiety.
- Chemical imbalances in the brain: ADHD is sometimes associated with a dysfunction of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, especially dopamine and noradrenaline.
- Lifestyle: An irregular lifestyle, such as poor nutrition, lack of sleep, lack of physical exercise and excessive media consumption, can increase the risk of ADHD.
It is important to note that not all people with these factors develop ADHD and that ADHD usually creates a combination of factors. A “exact” diagnosis can only be made by a specialist for ADHD.
The treatment of ADHD can vary depending on the age, severity of the patient's symptoms and individual needs. In general, the treatment of ADHD includes a combination of drug therapy, behavioral and psychosocial therapy as well as targeted interventions at school or at work.
Medicinal therapy: Medicines are prescribed for ADHD to relieve symptoms such as impulsiveness, inattention and hyperactivity. Stimulants such as methylphenidate (e.g. Ritalin) or amphetamines (e.g. Adderall) are used most frequently. These agents influence brain activity and help to reduce ADHD symptoms.
Ritalin is a prescription drug that is normally prescribed for the treatment of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. As with many other drugs, Ritalin can also be misused, especially from people who have not been prescribed to have better performance in their studies or at work, or because of their use as a leisure drug. This has triggered concern for scientists and relatives around the world. Ritalin's abuse can lead to a number of undesirable effects. The increasing consumption can not only be observed in children, but also in adolescents and adults (in Brazil the increase was 775 % between 2003 and 2012, according to a study by the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro).
Although it has been used since the 1960s, the cellular mechanisms of this substance are still unknown.
Ritalin and cocaine: chemical similarities
Both substances are stimulants and act in a similar way in the brain. Here are some similarities:
- Mechanism of action: Both Ritalin and cocaine increase the dopamin concentration in the synaptic gap by blocking dopamine in the nerve cells. As a result, the dopamine stays in the gap longer and increases the signal transmission between the nerve cells.
- Pharmacological effects: Both substances can trigger euphoria, increased vigilance, increased self -confidence and increased physical performance. You can also suppress appetite and impair sleep.
- Risks and side effects: Both Ritalin and cocaine can lead to dependency if there is excessive consumption. Both substances can also cause unwanted physical and psychological side effects, such as racing heart, high blood pressure, anxiety, insomnia and psychoses.
Although there are similarities between Ritalin and cocaine, there are also important differences between the two substances. Ritalin is a prescription drug used to treat ADHD while cocaine is an illegal drug. Ritalin has a longer half -life than cocaine and therefore looks less strongly and faster than cocaine.
Why is Ritalin prescribed so quickly and so often?
There is criticism of the frequency with which Ritalin is prescribed. Some argue that it is prescribed too often and that there are better alternative treatment options. Others in question whether ADHD is overdiached and whether Ritalin may be prescribed too quickly and lightly, especially to children and adolescents.
The consumption of methylphenidate in Germany, finally increased by more than ten times from 1990 to 2000, from 2000 to 2010 again by triple, which is a strong indication of drug and over therapy.
It is therefore important that doctors are careful when prescribing Ritalin and consider alternative treatment options before using a medication.
Ritalin is often prescribed because it is effective in many people with ADHD and in many cases it can lead to a quick, significant improvement in symptoms. Doctors, parents and children want a quick solution. However, it is important to note that Ritalin is a medication with side effects.
Ritalin - effects and long -term consequences
Some of the possible consequences of taking Ritalin include a variety of physical and psychological side effects that can occur both in the short term and long -term:
The most common side effects include loss of appetite and sleep disorders, especially when sleeping and sleeping. In addition, nausea, an increase in blood pressure and heart rate as well as a burden on the liver can occur. In some cases there is also the risk of tics, psychoses or mental disorders such as depression.
Dependency: With long -term intake of Ritalin, dependency can arise, especially among people who abuse the medication.
Growth delay: Children who take Ritalin for a long time can experience a growth delay.
Members and behavioral changes: In some people, mood and behavioral changes can occur, especially when abolished or at higher doses of the medication.
There are also indications of cardiovascular risks. A Danish cohort study under the direction of Søren Dalsgaard at the Aarhus University showed that ADHD medication, including Ritalin, have a low but statistically relevant cardiovascular side effect profile. The results of this study were in Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology published (http: // dx.doi.orgorg/10.1089/cap.2014.0020).
Another 2019 in Radiology Published randomized controlled study (DOI: 10.1148/Radiol.2019182528) examined the effects of methylphenidate on the brain. Researchers found structural changes in the MRI that were not observed in adult men. However, the clinical importance of these changes is still unclear.
In addition, researchers at the Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul have examined how Ritalin affects the developing brain. In this study, scientists injected methylphenidate in young rats to imitate chronic consumption in childhood. The rats were treated from the 15th to the 45th day of life, which corresponds to the period in which children Ritalin would take. The results of the study showed an increase in inflammatory parameters, changes in the oxidative stress and the amino acid profile. In addition, a decrease in ATP mirrors-the molecule, which functions as the "energy currency" of the cells-was found. A loss of astrocytes and neurons in the Hippocampus, a brain structure that plays a key role in controlling emotions, social behavior and short -term memory (14.08.2020 - researchers analyze the effects of Ritalin on the developing brain - UFRGS | Universidade Federal http: // www.Frgs.br/English/The-University/news/Researcher-Analyze-he-ffects-Of-ritalin-on-he-Developing-brain).
Additional information on possible side effects, including the connection between Ritalin and Depression, can also be found in the package insert of the drug (Ritalin and Depression - what scientists say -Zentrum-der-gesundheit.de).
These studies and research results clarify that the long -term intake of Ritalin should be carefully monitored, especially in children in order to recognize and minimize possible risks and side effects at an early stage.
Non-drug treatments for ADHD
There are different treatments that can be used individually or in combination. Here are some examples:
Behavioral modification: This includes the use of strategies such as positive reinforcements to promote desired behavior, as well as time management and organizational skills to structure everyday life.
Behavioral and psychosocial therapy: A form of psychotherapy that can be helpful for ADHD patients is cognitive behavioral therapy. This focuses on the identification and coping of thoughts and behaviors that make ADHD symptoms worse. Behavioral therapy, family therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy can help reduce ADHD symptoms and teach patients strategies for self -regulation. These therapies can also help to solve problems related to interpersonal relationships and job problems.
Nutrition: A balanced diet can help relieve ADHD symptoms. This includes taking a lot of protein, fiber and healthy fats and avoiding processed foods and sugary drinks.
Movement: Regular movement can help reduce stress and improve the ability to concentrate. Sports such as yoga, Pilates or Tai Chi can be particularly helpful.
Occupational therapy: This type of therapy can help development in everyday life and improve fine motor skills. This can help to organize patients better and do their tasks.
- School or workplace interventions: The inclusion of teachers and employers in the treatment of ADHD can help reduce the symptoms and to improve the patient's performance in school or work. For example, schools can create IEPs (individual education plans) to offer the students with additional support and adjustments with ADHD. In the workplace, for example, employers can offer flexible working hours or work adjustments to take into account the patient's symptoms.
It is important to note that non-drug treatments in ADHD are not equally effective for every patient.
Dear "sick" children than unfortunate, overwhelming or non -successful children?
Ritalin's high consumption has now become a topic for the UN. It is expected that Switzerland recommends to introduce stricter regulations for the prescription of Ritalin in children.
The Swiss UN consultant Pascal Rudin clearly criticizes the treatment of ADHD and how to deal with medication. He asks the basic question: "What do we actually mean by this disorder?" He emphasizes that a child in the school environment is often quickly perceived as disturbing, but this is far from the fact that it actually has a medical disorder like ADHD. ADHD is defined as a disease, but it can hardly be measured medically. Rudin criticizes that children are often stigmatized just because Ritalin acts at short notice and is considered efficient. In this context, the UN could also warn ethical basic principles, because "doctors should treat us, not increase our performance."
Rudin also points out that Ritalin is only justified if there is a real biological-medical basis for the prescription. In his opinion, however, this only applies to a maximum of 5 % of the children who take Ritalin today. With the remaining 95 %, the prescription of psychotropic drugs is often unnecessary.
Many children who take Ritalin reject the medication later when they get older. What disturbs her the most is the loss of hunger and the feeling of being "not yourself" while the medication works. They report that although they can work very focused, they feel like machines that hardly perceive what happens around them.
The Federal Office of Health (BAG) in Switzerland takes the problem seriously and observes the developments around Ritalin and ADHD (https: // www.bag.admin.ch/BAG/de/home/healthy-life/health foering-and-Prevention/Prevention-for-children-and-Youth/ADHD.html).
In recent years, developmental psychology has contributed a lot to the better understanding of ADHD. Studies show that the symptoms of ADHD in many children decrease over time, while others continue to develop a chronic disorder. There are also indications that family circumstances, genetic predispositions and environmental conditions can play an important role in the development and progression of ADHD.
It is important to remember that children are constantly evolving. Every child has their own unique personality and develops at their individual pace. Each phase of development makes sense and contributes to the overall development. The environment plays a crucial role in bringing genetic systems to develop.
In our modern society, however, we tend to want to be faster and better. Weaknesses or errors are hardly tolerated - and this applies especially to our children. Frustration tolerance becomes lower, and the search for quick, simple solutions increases. But such solutions can have painful consequences in the long term. Instead, we should look empathetically at the social and family stress of our everyday life and reflect on them.
Ritalin - Breeding of future addicts? | Paracelsus Recovery (Paracelsus-Recovery.com)
19.4283 | ADHD. Integrate results of the project to the training in the training | Business | The Swiss Parliament
Schmitz, Felipe; Chao, Moses v.; Wyse, Angela T.S. Methylphenidate age nude top signaling in rat pheochromocytoma cells. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, 2018.
CDC, 2019a; Simon et al. 2009; Macdonald et al., 2019; Smith, 2017; Martel et al., 2016; Kofler et al., 2016; Chen, M et al., 2016; Black, 2012; Ellison, 2015; Hales et al., 2018; Sayal et al., 2017; World Federation for Mental Health, 2005; Ball et al., 2019; Hoogman et al., 2015; Nikolas & Burt, 2010; Poelmans et al, 2011; Volkow et al., 2009; Williams et al. 2010; Barbaresi et al., 2007; Cerillo-Urbina et al., 2015; Pelham et al., 2016; Fabiano et al., 2008.
State of research on methylphenidate:
Cochrane Society, an independent, international network of scientists and health professionals, has evaluated a variety of studies on the active ingredient methylphenidate. The scientists also found that a number of the present studies have qualitative defects. In conclusion for systematic overview work, it says: "Due to the quality of the available evidence, we cannot currently say whether methylphenidate improves the life of children and adolescents with ADHD. Methylphenidate is accompanied by a number of less serious side effects such as sleep problems and reduced appetite . Although we did not find the risk of severe side effects, studies with a longer after -observation time in order to be able to assess this risk in people who take methylphenidate better. cochr.org
Category: Abbreviations ads/ ads children/ attention/ overview/ Zappelphilipp/ children with ADHD/ illness/ adult/ core symptoms/ attention/ attention disorders