In our society there are traditionally different expectations and requirements for men and women. But are these role models universal or are there cultural differences? The comparison of different societies offers exciting insights into the variety of gender roles.
Margaret Meads Research
One of the best -known researchers in this area is anthropologist Margaret Mead. In the 1930s she examined the gender roles in three tribes on the island of Neuguinea. She found that the gender roles were very different. In the Arapesh Society, for example, men and women were equally cooperative, not aggressive and sensitive to the needs of others.
In other societies such as the mouth of the mouth, on the other hand, both men and women were aggressive and dominant. In the third party examined, the Tchambuli, the traditional gender roles were even the other way around: women traditionally took over the dominant roles in society, while men were rather passive and emotional.
Gender roles in different cultures
Margaret Mead's research results show that gender roles are by no means universal. In fact, there is an enormous variety of gender roles and expectations worldwide. In some cultures, for example, women are responsible for hunting and fishing, while men take care of the household. In other cultures, women traditionally take on dominant positions in politics or business.
An example of this are the Mosuo in China. In this society, women traditionally have power and men live in the women's family. There is no marriage in the conventional sense, but women choose their sexual partners and can change them at any time. Men play a subordinate role in this society and are primarily responsible for working in agriculture.
Influence on individual behavior
These cultural differences also have an impact on individual behavior. In societies in which women are traditionally dominant, women are perceived as more confident and assertive than in societies in which men dominate. The meaning of terms such as "male" and "female" also differs between cultures.
However, research also shows that biological differences between the sexes can play a role in some areas. Studies have shown that men are better on average in spatial tasks, while women perform better on average in linguistic tasks.
This research has shown that gender roles are not based exclusively on biological differences, but are strongly shaped by the respective culture and the social norms there. By comparing different cultures, we can develop a deeper understanding of the variety of gender roles and reduce prejudices against other cultures.
It is important to recognize that gender roles in every culture are a complex topic that is influenced by many factors. By examining these factors and questioning our own cultural prejudices, we can help create a society that is fair and inclusive for all people.
- https://www.simplypsychology.org/Margaret-Mead.html
- https://socialsci.libretexts.org/Courses/HACC_Central_Pennsylvania%27s_Community_College/ANTH_205%3A_Cultures_of_the_World_-_Perspectives_on_Culture_(Scheib)/12%3A_Gender_and_Sexuality/12.04%3A_Gender_Variability_and_Third_Gender
- https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation.aspx?paperid=91840
- https://open.maricopa.edu/culturepsychology/chapter/stereotypes-and-gender-roles/
- https://www.dasgehirn.info/aktuell/frage-an-das-gehirn/koennen-frauen-schlechter-raeumlich-denken-als-maenner
- https://www.spektrum.de/magazin/geschlechtsunterschiede-im-raeumlichen-vorstellungsvermoegen/824195
- https://www.loc.gov/exhibits/mead/field-sepik.html
- https://www.bbc.com/travel/article/20180612-chinas-kingdom-of-women