Wie man mit Wut umgeht: Tipps und Tricks zur Selbstkontrolle

Anger is a normal and healthy feeling that people feel in stress or frustration situations. However, if the anger becomes uncontrollable and affects our relationships with others, it is important to learn how we can handle it. Here are some tips and tricks on how we can control our anger.

  1. Identify your triggers: The first step towards coping with anger is to recognize the trigger for this emotion. This can be a certain situation, the people in their environment or even their own thoughts. If you have recognized your triggers, you can start to change your reaction to it.
  2. Learn to control your breathing: In moments of anger, breathing often becomes flat and fast. This can increase the anger and lead to undesirable behavior. Learn to control your breathing and breathe deeply and slowly to calm down.
  3. Use progressive relaxation: Progressive relaxation can be an effective way to reduce muscle tension and calm down during a tantrum. With this technique, different muscle groups are tense and then relaxed, from the toes to the facial muscles.
  4. Express your feelings: Anger is often a reaction to an underlying emotion such as sadness or fear. Try to express these emotions in a healthy way and to find ways, to use them effectively.
  5. Apply meditation techniques: Meditation can be a good way to calm the mind and concentrate on the present moment. If you meditate regularly, you can become more aware of your thoughts and emotions and learn how you can effectively control them.
  6. Find help: If you have persistent problems with coping with your anger and have an impact on your relationships with others, it can be helpful to look for professional help. A therapist or consultant can give you individual strategies and tools that help you effectively manage your anger.

In summary, it can be said that anger is a normal and healthy emotion, but it can be problematic if it is not properly mastered. If you use these tips and tricks and find individual solutions for dealing with anger, you can improve your quality of life.


Written by Mara Schär

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