Alles, was Sie über emotionale Intelligenz wissen müssen

In recent years, emotional intelligence (EQ) has become an important topic that is widespread in psychology and in the area of ​​personnel management. It is about understanding our ability to recognize and regulate our own emotions as well as to read and react the emotions of others. In this article you will find out everything you need to know about EQ.

What is EQ?

Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to recognize, understand, express and regulate emotional states - both with yourself and others. The term was first shaped by psychologists Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer in the 1990s and describes an ability that is independent of cognitive intelligence (IQ). Before that, however, he was introduced by Keith Beasley and then Stanley Greenspan.

Why is EQ important?

EQ has become more and more important in the world of work because it plays a crucial role in leading teams and working with others. EQ is also important for our personal development and our well -being. A high EQ can help us to improve our relationships, to better manage stressful situations and to lead a more fulfilling life.

Scientific background

Studies have shown that EQ plays a crucial role in predicting success in life and work. It was found that people with a high EQ have better social skills, make better decisions and are able to successfully deal with stress and conflicts. EQ was also associated with higher life satisfaction and better general well -being.

EQ is an important aspect of our emotional skills and plays a crucial role in our life and in our work. It is important to improve our EQ skills in order to strengthen our relationships, achieve our goals and lead a more fulfilling life. With this knowledge of EQ you can begin to improve your emotional skills and achieve your goals.


Written by Mara Schär

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